How much does privacy on the internet cost me?

(2021) Table showing monthly/yearly costs for privacy

ServiceCompanyMonthly Cost (USD)Yearly Cost (USD)

I stopped using Standard Notes and Tresorit early 2020 for a few reasons: 1) Sync was super slow. - This was expected since clients need to encrypt/decrypt when receiving/sending info. What I didn't expect was how distracting sluggishness would be, ultimately causing frustration and loss of productivty. 2) Expensive. - After dropping these services, I save $200~ per year.

I now use Dropbox, which unfortunately isn't the most private cloud storage provider. However they are a big company and have really good integration with my NAS. Happy with them so far.

I just store plaintext notes on my file server hosted by Fast Mail.

(2019) Table showing monthly/yearly costs for privacy

ServiceCompanyMonthly Cost (USD)Yearly Cost (USD)
Cloud StorageTresorit$10.47$125

Replace NordVPN + Fastmail with ProtonMail's Visionary plan and that bumps monthly cost to $44.64 and yearly cost to $462.99. Suggestions, comments, other thoughts welcome, send them to

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